Saturday, July 4, 2020

Why Is Music So Important for Your Motivation? #MUSIC AND MOTIVATION SHOW COMING SOON

Have you ever wondered, why is it so much better to work when music is playing in your headphones? Or when you’re running in the morning? Have you ever felt that portion of extra motivation that comes when you play your favorite song?

The studies of how music affects our brains have been going on since the 1950s; there’s even a special niche in neuroscience called neuromusicology, which studies the way our nervous system reacts to music.

Scientists have figured out which music is best for a particular mood. For example, ambient and natural melodies are best for productivity, and light pop music can put you in a motivating mood. Music creates a motivational background for all our activities, impacting physical and mental endurance.

We often underestimate what music can do for us in terms of productivity. Why is music so important for your motivation? Let’s find out.

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